
http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/ ... me-os.html

发 布谷歌 Chorme 浏览器之后的 9 个月是令人兴奋的。今天,全球超过 3 千万的用户经常性地在使用它。我们为那些活在网络中的人们设计了谷歌 Chrome 浏览器,帮助他们搜索信息、查收邮件、获知新闻、购物,或者与朋友保持联络。然而,浏览器工作在的各种操作系统却诞生于没有互联网的时代——这正是为什么 今天我们要宣布这个新的项目:谷歌 Chrome 操作系统,它是谷歌 Chrome 浏览器的自然延伸,也是我们重新思考操作系统之道的尝试。

谷 歌 Chrome 操作系统是一个开放源代码的、精巧的操作系统,它最初会针对上网本。在今年晚些时候,我们将开放它的源代码。在 2010 年下半年,运行谷歌 Chrome 操作系统的上网本就将被带给我们的消费者。我们已经与合作伙伴讨论过这个项目,并将很快与开放源代码社区合作,所以选择现在与大家分享我们的愿景,以让大 家了解我们正在努力成就的目标。

快速、简便和安全是谷歌 Chrome 操作系统的核心特质。我们正在将该操作系统设计得更快速更精巧,数秒间即可启动并将您带入互联网世界。用户界面最小化以避免掩盖您的个人风格,而大多数的 用户体验则将发生于网络之上。就像我们为谷歌 Chrome 浏览器所做的一样,我们要回归本来,彻底地重新设计谷歌 Chrome 操作系统的底层安全架构。如此一来,用户就不必再应对病毒、恶意软件和安全更新。一切皆由系统搞定。

谷歌 chrome 操作系统可运行于 x86 和 ARM 芯片,并且,我们正与各类原始设备商合作,以便于明年为市场带来许多的上网本选择。谷歌 Chrome 运行于一个新的基于 Linux 核心的窗口系统,其软件架构十分简单。对应用开发者们来说,网络即是平台。所有的互联网应用都将自动运行,而新的各种应用可由您最喜欢的网络语言编写。当 然,这些应用不仅可以运行于谷歌 Chrome 操作系统,也可以运行于 Windows、Mac 和Linux 上的任何标准浏览器,从而令开发者拥有任何平台上的最大用户基数。

谷歌 Chrome 操作系统是一个全新的项目,与 Android 无关。Android 从设计之初就跨手机、机顶盒和上网本等多样终端而工作。谷歌 Chrome 操作系统则为那些花费绝大部分时间用于上网的用户而设计,与此同时,谷歌 Chrome 操作系统被设计用于装备从小型上网本到大型台式系统在内的各种计算机。谷歌 Chrome 操作系统和 Android 有一些领域重合,因为我们坚信选择驱动创新,并让包括谷歌在内的每一个人受益。

我们从用户那里听到了很多反馈,他们所传达的信息毋庸置疑 ——计算机应该更好。人们希望可以即刻获得电子邮件,而不是浪费时间等待计算机启动和浏览器开启;人们希望他们的计算机总是像第一次买到时那样快速运行; 人们希望他们的数据可以唾手可得,无论他们在哪里,也无需担心电脑丢失或者忘记备份文件。更重要的是,人们不希望花几个小时在每一片新的硬件上以配置他们 的计算机,或是不得不为不断的软件更新而烦心。当我们的用户拥有了更佳计算机体验的时候,这些快乐的用户们就更愿意呆在互联网上,而谷歌即可从中受益。

我 们仍有许多工作需要完成,并且为了成就这一愿景,我们显然需要来自开放源代码社区的很多帮助。如果您对这个项目感兴趣或者有其他问题,请查看常见问题及回 答。我们为即将到来的一切而兴奋不已,我们希望您的心情和我们一样。敬请在这个秋季期待更多的更新,并祝愿大家度过一个愉快的夏天。

Introducing the Google Chrome OS
7/07/2009 09:37:00 PM
It's been an exciting nine months since we launched the Google Chrome browser. Already, over 30 million people use it regularly. We designed Google Chrome for people who live on the web — searching for information, checking email, catching up on the news, shopping or just staying in touch with friends. However, the operating systems that browsers run on were designed in an era where there was no web. So today, we're announcing a new project that's a natural extension of Google Chrome — the Google Chrome Operating System. It's our attempt to re-think what operating systems should be.

Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010. Because we're already talking to partners about the project, and we'll soon be working with the open source community, we wanted to share our vision now so everyone understands what we are trying to achieve.

Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. We're designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the web in a few seconds. The user interface is minimal to stay out of your way, and most of the user experience takes place on the web. And as we did for the Google Chrome browser, we are going back to the basics and completely redesigning the underlying security architecture of the OS so that users don't have to deal with viruses, malware and security updates. It should just work.

Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. All web-based applications will automatically work and new applications can be written using your favorite web technologies. And of course, these apps will run not only on Google Chrome OS, but on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux thereby giving developers the largest user base of any platform.

Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android. Android was designed from the beginning to work across a variety of devices from phones to set-top boxes to netbooks. Google Chrome OS is being created for people who spend most of their time on the web, and is being designed to power computers ranging from small netbooks to full-size desktop systems. While there are areas where Google Chrome OS and Android overlap, we believe choice will drive innovation for the benefit of everyone, including Google.

We hear a lot from our users and their message is clear — computers need to get better. People want to get to their email instantly, without wasting time waiting for their computers to boot and browsers to start up. They want their computers to always run as fast as when they first bought them. They want their data to be accessible to them wherever they are and not have to worry about losing their computer or forgetting to back up files. Even more importantly, they don't want to spend hours configuring their computers to work with every new piece of hardware, or have to worry about constant software updates. And any time our users have a better computing experience, Google benefits as well by having happier users who are more likely to spend time on the Internet.

We have a lot of work to do, and we're definitely going to need a lot of help from the open source community to accomplish this vision. We're excited for what's to come and we hope you are too. Stay tuned for more updates in the fall and have a great summer.

Posted by Sundar Pichai, VP Product Management and Linus Upson, Engineering Director