g.cn is blocked.

As I know, the web site "g.cn" that is web site of google in China. So using "g.cn" will not search any web in foreign. To solve this problem, we have to use "google.com" , which is web site of google in US.


Today I have a class for virtools. I use my computer learn some build block and some operation in virtools. Virtools is a software that can imitate some sence by model which 3Ds max or Maya build. I think I must write some thing to recall my...


总算考完了(除去那will挂掉的CET6),明天开始要接受virtools培训了,很辛苦阿,感觉考完了事情很多,下午买了个外置刻录机,晚上画了个T-shirt,看了这 …


美国公司斥“绿坝”软件盗版 (香港) (2009-06-14) (联合早报网讯)香港明报报道,中国大陆政府规定7月1日起所有新电脑都必须安装过滤软件“绿坝-花季护航”,事件犹有余波。美国软 …


终于把计算说明数搞完了,根据别人的模板修改的,搞了一天,自己写估计要很久阿。又发现之前算错的了,凑数造假,呵呵。休 …


夜里起来看比赛,火箭队的手感和夜里的温度一样冷。多个三不沾,连铁都不打了。看到出火箭队员有想法,不放松,没有人能 …